DRT Employees Help Raise $35,000 for Washington, DC Youth Leadership Charity

Arlington, VA, September 28, 2022 — On Saturday, September 24th, the Youth Leadership Foundation (YLF) of Washington, D.C. hosted its 10th annual 5k Race for DC Kids with DRT proudly serving as the title sponsor. Through fundraising and community awareness efforts, DRT employees helped raise over $35,000 for the YLF.
The Youth Leadership Foundation provides quality one-on-one, value-based mentoring programs for students aged 7 to 17 across the Washington, DC metro area. Serving over 350 DC and MD youth each year, the YLF facilitates empowerment through joy, excellence, and a spirit of service while building character, emphasizing personal growth, and creating transformative mentorship experiences.
“DRT has a long history of giving back to the community, especially in the metro DC and Atlanta areas where we have our biggest footprints,” said James Gordon, DRT CEO.
“We have been staunch supporters of the Race for DC Kids for the past ten consecutive years and I’m very proud of our employees’ fundraising and volunteer efforts this year.”
“We thank DRT Strategies for its unparalleled commitment to YLF’s mission over the last decade,” said Janaiha Bennett, YLF Executive Director.
“The support from their team has helped the Race for DC Kids grow to become bigger and better than we could have imagined.”
Over 60 DRT employees participated in the race both virtually and in-person. The funds raised will help support YLF’s year-round programs to builds character and a brighter future for young leaders in our Nation’s Capital. Learn more about the YLF and how you can join us in supporting at www.helpingkids.org.